September 30, 2011


Five decades ago the Ibrahim Mosque was partly
an Islamic funeral home center.

As an Islamic funeral director, running the entire Islamic funeral home is of  no easy task. Theres are areas of which one must carefully considered and planned before setting up these funeral homes.  Moslem community's adaptation to both Islamic and non Islamic laws and belief must be clearly understood. Funeral home choice of location, self and community exposure, inventory requirement, and the prevailing capital and fund in order to be sustainable and the most seeking flax for the establishment of an organisation followed basically based on these 5 factors below: 
  1. The Base - Privately owned, rental or leased building.
  2. Personnel - employed trained staff, grave diggers and experience mortician.
  3. Inventory - provision and maintenance of mobile hearse, morgue freezer, coffin and etc.
  4. Charity and funds - obtainable through donation and other sources.
  5. The Overheads - on electricity, water usage, and other maintenances. 
Organisation originally fabricated in the west and the Malaysian funeral home which is also based  upon the above 5 factors. But changes has been made by altering some of these factors which can be helpful as to reduce the burden of the 'Islamic Funeral Directors', and with a carefully revamped some of the contents in the factors and therefore now already found suitably tailored into the Malaysian Islamic funeral need and requirement as shown below:
  1. The Base - privately owned building and either operating direct from the mosque. 
  2. Personnel - volunteered staff, sub contracted grave diggers, and mortician.
  3. Inventory - sub contracted mobile hearse and coffin(optional).
  4. Charity and funds - unchanged.
  5. The Overheads - tremendously reduced by offsetting from fund growth and donation.
Based on the above revamped factors, I now operates as a non profitable 'Islamic Funeral Director' in my hometown and also serving as a mortician, Imam for the funeral prayer, reading the 'Talqin', consultant and lectures on the new concept of Islamic funeral management and administration since 2001 with a freedom of moving from one district to another upon request. Its a very challenging job, and with all the hard trying customarily within a country's law and regulation that permits, I suggests one should follow this modus operandi with a vision of successful and correctly leaping forward...with the blessing from ALLAH...Insha Allah.

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