September 02, 2012


F-solve - a subsitute for formaldehyde
What is embalming? Embalming chemical such as formalin contain agents that retard the growth of bacteria, the bacteria that cause the body to decomposed. Chemicals are injected into large artery that is a accessible and the fluid then exit through the corresponding veins. Thus will also cherish the look of the dead apparently.
In UK by law - all bodies repatriated  have to be embalmed before leaving or entering the UK. Embalming is problematic and forbidden in Islam, Judaism and Hinduism.

In Islam, Moslem dead bodies are normally washed, shrouded and buried within 24hours and therefore embalming is totally unheard, secluded and tabooed.

In accordance to Malaysian Islamic law the 'Fatwa' with the laid condition tabled as follows:

Keputusan Fatwa Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Kali Ke-33 bertarikh : 11 Oktober 1993. 

Kategori : Perubatan(Medical) 
Tajuk : Mengawet Mayat(Embalming the dead) 
Keputusan : Mengawet mayat atas sebab-sebab yang mendesak hukumnya adalah harus(Mubah).
Populariti : 1346
Sumber : Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia.

Topics on embalming : Go to - type body embalming - and you are on!

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