August 28, 2011

The Cost To Manage An Islamic Funeral - The Malaysian Way.

Hj.Mohd Ismail Bin Mohd Hashim
The Islamic Undertaker And Director.

Assalamualaikum. 'Peace be with you on this holy month of Ramadan'.

Dear brothers and sisters of Islam,

The Islamic funeral undertaking in Malaysia which is spurious in nature and the cost keep increasing from time to time and is also difficult to refute. The undertaking cost is basically traditional in practice and non profitable, imposed to a deceased family at one specific area and merely about the same cost apply to the neighboring  district. The cost or charges may differ from one district to another but it is still lower compared to some countries abroad. In my residential district, an assimilative record shows from the year 2005 to 2011, the cost on Islamic funeral has  gradually increased by RM155 or 19% higher. Comparatively, the same experience is happening to other districts throughout Malaysia.

The mosque committee and 
the undertaker's cost.                      2005                2011
  1. Administrative Cost                 RM100             RM100
  2. Body Wash                              RM160             RM200
  3. The Shroud                              RM150             RM150
  4. Coffin                                       RM150             RM200
  5. Grave Digging                          RM185             RM220
  6. Funeral Transport                    RM70               RM100
  7. Voluntary Prayer Service            --                       --
                                     Total Cost   RM815             RM970

Other unlisted costs
  1. Set of tombstones price ranging from RM150 and above.

The four method of payments on funeral expenses:

1.  The Islamic funeral cost is normally settled in cash or paid up in full amount by the deceased family to 'Mosque Committee' or 'The Undertaker' upon engagement for the funeral service.

2. Deceased and family known with financial constraint, the funeral cost is monetarily aided or donated by relatives, friends, neighbors and lastly the 'Baitulmal' which is in accordance with the Islamic law.

3. The present available 'Islamic Group Bereavement Insurance', 'Association For The Islamic Bereavement', and the 'Government Bereavement Grant' (called 'Bereavement Agency') made the Islamic funeral undertaking possible to help funeral and financial recovery with a greater ease for the facing hard time family. Claim is initiated individually by the deceased family or by 'Bereavement Agency' and normally takes about 30 to 60 days to be duly paid up to the rightful claimant.

4.  'The Undertaker' submitting funeral cost and claim to the family of the deceased.

In Malaysia, the 'Reimbursement Policy', payment made by 'Bereavement Agency' to the rightful claimant is rather vague and debacle. The 'Islamic Funeral Director', 'Islamic Funeral Undertaker', and the 'Islamic Funeral Home' (called 'The Undertaker') with the authoritarian concept as most of them don't participate and practice it within virtue of the law. Though the said policy is in existence, but the answer is 'Yes' only when claim is initiated by the family of the deceased individually or collectively but not 'The Undertaker'.

In due course, such 'Reimbursement Policy' guideline should be made more transparent to 'The Undertaker' who regards claim as payment of funeral expenses as a service 'for the job done', and these has long been practiced overseas but some found running at a loss. In as much 'The Undertaker' will only except to provide funeral services with the clearly understood mode of payment from those deceased known to have bereavement policies endowed that could load to an expectancy rise on the funeral 'Administrative Cost' and other arising cost.

As a non profit making body, the holistic intention is not to burden the family of the deceased, only RM100 is charged for the 'Administrative Cost' which is still at its minimum base. Contrarily  the 'Administrative Cost' on the Islamic funeral undertaking in a foreign country is by far higher between US$1000 to US$2000 charged by 'The Undertakers'.   

May we all have the blessing from Allah swt.

Refer this web site:
Funeral Arrangement and Burial - IFI Services.

August 16, 2011

Words From The Islamic Undertaker - A True Malaysian Experience.

Mohd Ismail Bin Mohd Hashim
founder of
'The Islamic Undertaker'
Since 2001

Assallamualaikum brothers and sisters of Islam.
In managing Islamic funerals, mortician involves are often called by several names, all depending on the specific job done by such individual. He or she as a mortician may be representing as an independant individual or a body or as an association and perhaps the mosque. In fact, the Imam and his commit of the mosque is responsible on all Moslem's funeral undertaking within his govern area. However it may be sub let to prevailing undertakers or funeral managers accordingly. The beauty about the Islamic funeral management, is because of its simplicity and it is within affordable cost, and without embalming involved. It is much simpler and systematic on the body washing as laid under the Shariah law. In Malaysia, no license is required for a Moslem to practice an Islamic mortician from a designated mosque or as an individual. Except to an establishing a funeral home has to be initially  registered by the federal law, and licensed by the state law. Above all the Islamic funeral knowledge and experience gained on the subject matter is the most important to be aquired. To support this issue, such as by being an apprenticeship to an Islamic mortician for several years, and with  participation in funeral courses organised by the mosque or from any other Islamic institution is vulnerably encouraged. In fact all Moslems are duly invited for such an heritage learning and exposure on Islamic funerals.  

In Malaysia its all started as a plain local mortician initially from the mosque or musolla or as an trained individual, but slowly tends to change a little with drifting motion of the new economic trend. That why we notice modern facilities and regulations introduced and find no ways to escape but to accept it with an expectation to an affecting rise in managing cost of all funerals. By the contrary a Malaysian Islamic funeral cost is still within the reach by most Moslem community compared to some countries abroad.

A modern Moslem mortician has to manage funeral undertaking from a multiple choice of requirement set by the deceased family, and therefore the mortician may have several title added to his or her names.

Such names and titles known to be in use:
  1. Funeral Director(Pengarah Urusan Jenazah).
  2. Funeral Manager(Pengurus Jenazah).
  3. Undertaker(Mengurus Jenazah).
  4. Mortician(Pentajhiz atau Mengurus Mayat).
  5. The body washer(Tukang Mandi Mayat or Orang Mandi Mayat).
  6. Mosque representative(Orang Masjid).
  7. Grave undertaker(Pengurus Kubur).
The word 'Tukang Mandi Mayat' sound alien in nature and it is unprofessional and 'Pentajhiz Mayat' , 'Pengurus Jenazah'(Funeral Manager), Undertaker or Mortician are found to be more appropriate in the usage. So, you decide what to call yourself. Firstly, if you choose to be a Funeral Director or Manager, highly brush up your basic principle of management and community relation, the ability to provide all funeral facilities and your experience staff working and being made available seven days a week. Secondly, work as an private individual Undertaker or Mortician at your own pace with a separate sub-contract funeral facilities on hand and with or without an assistant of your choice, this is the best method in obtaining total freedom of funeral working independence, a true story of my Malaysian experience. Thirdly, employ yourself with any Funeral Director or Manager, Undertaker or the  Mosque nearby and of course a less responsibility you will have. This three methods has been in existence globally or may not been practiced widely in certain areas due to local opinions and laws. Provided one has to be brave and knowledgeable enough to explore the need of his or her Moslem community in order to perform the Islamic funeral undertaking with accordance to the state and country's laws and regulations.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اِن الذين ءامنوا وعملواالصلحت أُولءِك هم خيرالبريه .

Surah Al Bayyinah verse 7.
Meaning: (And) lo! those who believe and do good works are the best of created beings.

No matter by what names and titles they call us, but we are all leading towards the same common goal, the undertaking of an Islamic funeral management the Syariah way, and our duty to the community as far as Islamic funeral is concerned yet to be considered the most highly sought in Islam. InshaAllah and may Allah bestowed the blessing upon us. 

Suggest reading this blog:
'The Islamic Funeral Undertaking In Malaysia' dtd June 10,2010.

August 13, 2011

The Mortician Kit Bag

The mortician kit bag.

Practicing on Moslem's dead body wash, several required tools and accessories have to be prepared before any body wash are carried out by the 'washer' or mortician. They varies from one 'washer' to another. The 'washer' normally carry a 'Mortician kit bag' and also known as 'The mortician body wash kit bag'? It contains the required individual tools and accessories being labelled as  'Practicing Kit' for the Moslem's dead body wash and they were listed as follows:
  1. A standard size scissor.
  2. A five foot measuring tape.
  3. A roll of 2in wound bandage.
  4. Adhesive wound plaster.
  5. A set of clinical safety pin.
  6. A roll of sewing tread and needle.
  7. A comb.
  8. A set of non alcoholic perfume. 
  9. A pack of cotton buds.
  10. A tweezer.
  11. Prescribe length of white cloth for shrouding(carried separately).
  12. Cotton rolls(carried separately).
  13. A clinical mask.
  14. A pair of rubber hand gloves.
  15. A set of cloth gloves for body wash.
  16. A plastic apron.
  17. An eye protector.
  18. An a surgical head cap.
  19. A safety rubber boot(carried separately).
  20. A bar of soap.
  21. Sodium Hypochloride - 'Clorox' 2 bottle of 1litre each(Optional).
  22. A folded knife.
  23. Camphor or kapur barus(cinnamomum camphora) for body wash.
  24. Serbuk daun bidara(ziziphus mauritiana) for body wash(Optional).
  25. Cendana or sandal wood(santalum album) powder for shrouding.
  26. Powdered earth soil for 'tayammum'.
  27. Plastic sheet 4' x 6'(Optional).
  28. The mortician kit bag.

Surgical head cap
Clinical mask
Eye protector.

2in Bandage.
Surgical rubber gloves.
         Plastic apron.

Wound plaster.

Cotton buds.
Safety rubber boot

Safety pins.
Folded knife

Thread and needle.
Measuring tape.


Halal soap

Non alcohol perfume.

Camphor (kapur barus).
Sandal wood (serbuk cendana)

Ziziphus Mauritiana ( serbuk daun bidara).

Earth dust (debu tanah).
Cotton Roll.


Twin Pack Clorox 1litre Each (Optional).

August 01, 2011

KHUNSA - Dalam Pengurusan Jenazah Islam.

Dalam pengurusan jenazah Islam, jenis-jenis Khunsa adalah wajib dikenalpasti tentang kedudukkan status jantina mereka oleh pengurus-pengurus mayat atau jenazah. Pengetahuan tentang mengurus mayat khunsa ini   kadang-kadang sukar hendak difahamkan dan ianya penting dipelajari, supaya kekeliruan tidak akan berlaku di antara waris si khunsa dengan pengurus-pengurus jenazah dalam bab mandian mayat khunsa.

Difinasi 'Khunsa' خنثى ( hermaphrodite ) ialah seseorang yang dilahirkan dengan mempunyai dua alat kelamin lelaki dan perempuan. Dalam Islam, khunsa ini tetap mendapat pembelaan mengikut syarak dan tidak pula Islam memandang serong dan mempunyai sebarang diskriminasi terhadap mereka.

Dalam dunia ini hanya terdapat dua jenis Khunsa.

1.  Khunsa Musykil(Khunsa yang diragui).
Seseorang yang disahkan mempunyai 2 alat kelamin yang boleh digunakan, tetapi diragui pada yang lebih dominan sehingga sukar hendak mengenal pasti dari kecilnya hingga balighnya. Khunsa jenis ini haram berkahwin.

2.  Khunsa Ghair Musykil(Khunsa yang tidak diragui) atau Khunsa Wadhih(Yang Jelas)  واضح .
Seseorang yang disahkan mempunyai 2 alat kelamin tetapi mempunyai naluri kecenderongan kepada salah satu kelamin buat dirinya. Dari segi hukum harus berkahwin dengan pasangan yang berlawanan seperti lelaki sesama perempuan. Harus menjalani pemeriksaan pakar perubatan terlebih dahulu sebelum pembedahan pilih jantina dilakukan dan dengan serta mendapat persetujuan perintah mahkamah syariah dalam hal tersebut.

a. Jikalau kecenderongannya memihak sebagai naluri lelaki maka jadilah ia lelaki dan tidak boleh ia menjadi perempuan. Dalilnya ada tanda buang air kencing melalui zakarnya, tumbuh misai, janggut, serta bulu badan, suara garau atau kasar, dan berpakaian seperti lelaki.

b. Jikalau kecenderongan memihak sebagai naluri perempuan maka jadilah ia perempuan dan tidak boleh ia menjadi lelaki. Dalilnya ada tanda datangnya haid setiap bulan dan kencing melalui farajnya dan suara dan pakaian serta perwatakkan yang dikatakan seperti perempuan.

3. Mukhannath(Yang menyerupai perempuan) مخنث .
Seseorang yang mempunyai satu kelamin secara lahiriah, tetapi terdapat pula dalam dirinya kelamin yang kedua secara rohaniah, dalam erti kata 'split personality'. Contohnya seperti seseorang lelaki, yang mempunyai perwatakkan serta meniru-niru atau berpakaian seperti perempuan dan sebagainya dan ini adalah yang dilarang dalam Islam serta dilaknati oleh Allah swt. Di Malaysia, golongan mereka ini dikenali sebagai  'Mak Nyah' atau 'Pondan'. Haram bagi golongan mereka ini melakukan sebarang pembedahan tukar jantina daripada lelaki menjadi perempuan dan berkahwin dengan sesama jenis. Begitulah sebaliknya bagi kaum perempuan yang meniru perwatakkan dan fisikal seperti seorang lelaki. 

1. Majlis Raja-Raja dalam mesyuaratnya pada kali ke-126 pada 24 Februari 1983 telah mempersetujui fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh Jawatankuasa Fatwa(Bab kedudukan: a)Mak Nyah dan b)Khunsa Musykil dalam Islam).
2. Keputusan Fatwa Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaaan bagi Hal Ehwal Islam Malaysia kali ke-25, bertarikh 13 Disember 1989(Bab yang sama seperti para 1 di atas).

 Al Quran surah:
1. An-Nisaa ayat 119.
2. Al-Araf ayat 80-81.
3. Huud ayat 76-83.
4. An-Nuur ayat 31.
5. At-Tiin ayat 4.

Mandi mayat khunsa sila rujuk di halaman blog ini:
"Yang lebih utama memandi mayat orang Islam" bth.24 June,2010.

Rumusan: Nota penting untuk dikongsi bersama.

1.  Setiap cadangan pembedahan dan penukaran jantina 'Khunsa Ghair Musykil' mestilah mendapat kelulusan terlebih dahulu daripada Jabatan Agama Islam daerah masing-masing. Pembedahan dan penukaran jantina hendaklah dilakukan setelah khunsa tersebut mencapai umur akal balighnya, kerana supaya senang mengenal pastikan jantinanya, sama ada ia memiliki naluri sebagai seorang lelaki ataupun perempuan dan mesti pula mengetahui tentang ada ataupun tiada akibat kesan sampingan yang akan dihadapi selepas pembedahan atau penukaran jantina tersebut.  

2.   Ibu-bapa perlu memainkan peranan yang penting dalam hal-hal mendidik anak-anak yang bertaraf  khunsa secara adil dan saksama serta memahami hukum syarak tentang perkara tersebut dan seharusnya memberanikan diri untuk mendapatkan sebarang kaunseling atau kidmat nasihat serta merujuk kepada jabatan-jabatan tertentu seperti pakar-pakar perubatan, Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara dan Jabatan Agama Islam terutama sekali Mahkamah Syariah.

3.  Kerjasama daripada pihak berkuasa tertentu penting semasa khunsa tersebut dilahirkan seperti Hospital, Pejabat Pendaftaran Negara, dan Mahkamah Syariah. Peranan bagi menyediakan dokumen-dokumen khas untuk khunsa-khunsa yang baru dilahirkan seharusnya diujudkan dan dialu-alukan. Kidmat kauseling di adakan untuk mereka(khunsa) dan waris khunsa supaya kekeliruan tidak akan timbul kelak apabila khunsa tersebut telah mencapai umur akal baligh. Akhirnya bertujuan semata-mata buat mereka(khunsa) untuk terus hidup sebagai seorang insan yang normal tanpa menjejaskan hukum-hukum syarak.